Monday, August 11, 2014

Secrets of Winning Forex Strategies



This book is written in very simple to understand language.

Basically, it is the identification of the CURRENT TREND ( Up, Down , Sideways) and the Stage thatthe trend is in ( Early, Mid , Late ).

After identifying the Trend and the Stage, then only should the trader choose the appropriate Strategy to apply.

Setups are important.... And a trading plan must be in place before any trades are taken.

Take away :
(1) Newbies are like the 3 blind men trying to describe the elephant
(2) The identification of the Current Trend and its Stages is like looking out at the sky to "predict" the weather. You would definitely not do a house spring cleaning if you see dark clouds and lightning. You would wait for a bright ans shining day instead! Likewise, choosing an appropriate strategy to fit an identified Trend is of paramount importance!

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