Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slow, Safe Trains for Normal Folks

Traditional investments vehicles like cash, FD, unit trusts, stocks,shoplots, ruber and palm oil estates, raw land are time-tested investment vehicles of our parents when Malaya was just developing and oil has yet to be discovered.

An acre of rubber plantation costs about RM100 when average pay was about Rm300 in the 1950's ( 1/3 of monthly pay ) Fast forward to 2010, average pay is Rm3,000 and an acre of rubber plantation is about Rm40,000!! ( 13x average pay, or about 1 year's pay ).

My first book on Financial Freedom was ...well, Financial Freedom! Published by KLMutual ( now renamed Public Mutual ) , it was THE book to read on financial freedom. Rich Dad came out shortly, and a few later, Retire Young, Retire Rich.

The is a BIG difference in the approach taken by the two genre : traditional financial books are well, traditional. Safe, tested, SLOW TRAINS. Rich Dad books are fast, high velocity, leveraged, FAST TRAINS.

Both will bring you to your destination....eventually. But the fast trains allow you to reach your destination when you are in your 40's, not 60's!

So, which train do you which to board?

SLOW TRAIN tickets...

FAST TRAIN tickets...

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