Monday, January 16, 2012

Retire Young Retire Rich

"When it seemed the darkest, what kept you and Kim going? I want to hear the real reason...not the ones you have given so far" asked one of the participants (pg 533 )

And the answer?

"What would you do if there was no risk and it required no money to become rich?"

A question to a question????

" Are you sure such world exist? " one might ask.
" Well , I'll go find it"
" It does not matter what I think. What is important is what you think."
" If you think it is impossible , then it is impossible."

Many people cannot reach their maximum potential beause they do not open their minds wide enough. Sight is what they see with their eyes, vision is what the mind sees. If their minds are closed to possibilities, then they cannot see possibilities.

With every new invention comes a new leverage and new opportunities. PC , internet, Facebook, google, clouds, tablets.

What does your mind see? Obstacles or opportunities?

To retire young and rich, open your mind....

Look at for the LEVERAGE ( can be found anywhere : Business, Real Estate, Papers ( Stocks, Futures, Options, Commodities, Forex), Internet, Systems, Education ) that will fast track your cashflow. Increase the velocity of your ROI ( target quarterly, then monthly, fortnightly, weekly ).

Buy assets for CASHFLOW...


Increase the VELOCITY of ROI...

The rich use them MORE than the poor, should you too if you want to retire earlier?

( Just remembered the One Minute Millionaire...the authors can show you the path to the millions, but you have to walk the journey yourself!)

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