Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On the Brink

Henry Paulson was the Secretary of Treasury of the US that oversaw the collapse of Lehman brothers and the rescue of AIG, and Goldman Sachs. So why did he rescue so many but left Lehmnan to die?

In actual fact, ( according to his book ) he tried to save Lehman but there were just no buyers as the valuation of the assets were too difficult to quantify.

Many insights were gleaned from this book...

..." the economic version of war"

...the concepts of " originate to hold " to " originate to distribute"

... the NINJAs ( No Income, No Job, No Assets )

and his favourite verse fom the Bible ..

" God hath not given the spirit of fear, but of power and of hope, and of sound mind.."

- Second book of Timothy , Verse 1.7

A very gripping insider view of what actually led to the financial turmoil of 2008.

And all for Rm5 at the Big, Bad, Wolf sale ( the front cover was slightly torn!)

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