Thursday, May 21, 2015

Show and Tell


If you need to make a presentation , make sure you read this book first.

It is all about : YOU----> YOUR IDEAS ----> YOUR AUDIENCE   ( Y I A )
3 RULES : TRUTH ---> STORY----> PICTURES   ( T  S  P )
                                                                           ( HHD ) ( T6P)  (     )

(1) Tell the TRUTH ( Head, Heart, Data )

(2) Tell a STORY ( Types ,6 modes PUMA, , )
  (3) Tell it with PICTURES


I. ....his Types of Story
(1) Report : increase Info ( eg new info )
(2) Explain : to increase ability ( eg cooking )
(3) Pitch : to clear a hurdle for new sales
(4) Drama : to overcome Old beliefs

II . 6 modes  : WHO/WHAT ... WHEN, WHERE, .... HOW MUCH, HOW, WHY

III. His FLOW of stories : PUMA   ( Presentation Underlying Message Architecture )

(1) Head
(2) Body
(3) Legs
(4) Tail

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