Monday, March 17, 2014

Inspiration from Mencius


 Confucius came and taught...
Mencuis learned and thought....

And his words continue to inspire and hold court!

Some examples...

(1) ren wu you bu shan, shui wu you bu xia
   The goodness in human nature is like the downward flow of water

(2) zi jiang lun yu, neng yu ren gui ju, bu neng shi ren qiao
    A teacher can only guide us through the basics  but its practice would depend on ourselves.

(3) yang xin mo shan yu gua yu
   To nurture the heart, there is nothing better than to have few desires

(4) ren bu ke yi wu chi. wu chi zhi chi, wu chi yi
  A man must no be without shame. The shame of being without shame is indeed shameful.

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