Monday, March 24, 2014

Extension Course in Trading Commodities

This is a great book to is classified as a MasterClass Series.

There will be sections that you think you already know about , and yet come out of it and say, how could I have missed that?

Some of the points I have many an "aha!" moment...

     When inflation sets in, holding cash is the worst possible option. Buy property in a good area, buy good blue chips, buy commodities... but stay out of cash. I guess Robert Kiyosaki knew about this much earlier than the rest of the world. Truly, a mentor with many years of experiences will tell you that holding real estate in good  areas will keep your real purchasing power intact. And government loves to inflate prices to reduce their own debt. When prices go up, they collect more in taxes ( even if the percentages of tax is the same!), and they can pay off their earlier debts must faster. No wonder Ben Bernarke is insistent on relying on the printing presses to solve his bosses problems. The smarter guys around the world should have switch into properties or stocks to maintain their real wealth!

(2) Effective demand and supply
     It is pure economics how prices come to an equilibrium. Charts are there to help traders see a more complete picture.

(3) Dow Theory
Make sure you know on your charts which lines are the PRIMARY, Secondary, and Tertiary. The authors recommend that you stay out of the Tertiary ( ie intraday charts ) as they can be easily manipulated. Stick to PRIMARIES!

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