Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The 3rd Alternative

The late Stephen Covey is indeed a master of finding Win-Win situations

If you are able to open your mind to search for something better than what you ever imagine can be done, make sure you spend at least 2 weeks to learn and apply the principles outlines in this book.

For example :
(1) The ACCA formula : Ask, Criteria, Create , Arrive ( 3rd Alternative)
                                     vs Ask, Justify, Haggle, Arrive ( 2 Alternatives )
(2) Me, You, Seek, Synergise

There are many principles worth looking into :

(1) Magic Theater
(2) Talking Stick
(3) Ubuntu : I can't be truly human unless I fully see and value your humanity as well. I can't demonise you , which means to literally see you as an inhuman demon, and still remain human myself.
(4) Ahimsa : do no harm to living creature
(5) HHH vs GGL : hardened human heart vs Genuine gestures of Love
(6) Retributive justice vs Restorative Justice

And many , many more...

(1) Money is only a kind of wealth, a mark of secondary success.
(2) Primary success, arises from our chararcter,  is measured in terms of the contribution we make . Integrity, Honesty, Hard work, Compassion for others. Spiritual wealth=primary wealth.
(3) We are a poor village. We have no answers. We suffer until the rich and educated come to our aid.

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