Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A book a Fortnight.... Da Vinci Code

Looks like I have to change my byline to READ A BOOK A FORTNIGHT...

Well some technical books are difficult to finish and digest in 1 week... It normally takes 2 weeks or more.

Novels are easier...

Maybe I should do a novel, then a technical book in rotation...

Today is a Highly Technical Book by Fred Tam

It is about Fibonacci numbers, the origins and the applications to trading.

Good for good night reading but in trading, there is a risk of overtrying to fit the prices into waves and Fibonacci retracement.

I do not use Fibonacci per se ... but the ratios are there for a guide. Any retracement mot exceeding 80% is valid by my books... be it 50%, 61.8%, or even just 38.2%. No need to lose too much sleepover it.

Some swear by it... as long as you make money consistently from it, well and good. Everybody will make money their own way!

Here is an extract from DESIDERATA  ( Desired Things, 1927 prose poem by American writer Max Ehrmann) http://www.businessballs.com/desideratapoem.htm:

".... Be yourself...

...You are a  child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars.
    You have a right to be here

   And whether or not it is clear to you ,
   No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should .

.... Be cheerful

Be happy, ok?

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