Monday, March 4, 2013

George Soros New Paradigm

... does perfect competition, perfect info, rational decision making exists?

If not , then there must be an imbalance somewhere can be exploited for a profit.

And George Soros does it well. The GBP imbalance in 1992, the Thai baht imbalance in 1997, ...

Read on the theory of reflexivity... and the cognitive ( understanding) and manipulative ( changing) functions of the mind, and how indeterminacy in social sciences sets it apart from natural sciences and therefore , new paradigm is needed to explain the phenomenon in the financial world ( a social sciences area).

The more you read, the more confused you may become as George attacks the current thinking regime of the world.

I have always held that whoever that is correct in the end will end up with a better scorecard ( ie more zeroes in the bank balance) , and i am sure George Soros has a bigger bank balance than Alan Grenspan, Ben Bernanke or all those perfect competition professors....

Read on and be bewildered!

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