Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You are What you Eat

This is an excellent book for monitoring what you eat...

Remember GIGO? Garbage In Garbage Out... if you take nutrient empty foods, then your body cannot produce a good physique. Feed in nutrients dense foods, and you will glow like a million dollars.

Note that GRAS ( generally regarded as safe) preservatives, additives, colours and flovours only enhance the shelf life and looks of foods ( not to mention the pockets of manufacturers!). Gop natural , and consume as much unprocessed food as you can.

In generally, go easy on the SSSO ( sauce, salt, sugar, oil) .... and add on the GO-TCC ( garlic, onions, tomato, chillies, cucumber)...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Traders, Guns, Money

If you liked Liar's Poker, you will definitely like this!

Now I know why the CAPM model is so popular among professors in university; they know that students do not memorise the formula , and they like to set it as an exam question to torture the students!

Truthfully, Eugene Fama's random walk theory never appeal to me because i think there is structured chaos in the market ( you guessed it right...  i have a bias towards technical analysis based trades!) and I love George Soros's "indeterminacy" when faced with imperfect information.

Get behind the scenes with this book as have a good laugh!

I love the part on " looking after relatives" the best...( pg 137)...

..."Son, you can't make money when you lose money. What kind of an idiot are you?"...

The asset consultant was trying to justify that he was up 3%... because the benchmark was down 48%, and he was only down 43%...

Hmmm... sounds familiar ? ( to those who have bought units trusts before? he..he... index down 20%, the fund is only down 10%... overperform by 10%!....shssssh....)

Monday, March 4, 2013

George Soros New Paradigm

... does perfect competition, perfect info, rational decision making exists?

If not , then there must be an imbalance somewhere can be exploited for a profit.

And George Soros does it well. The GBP imbalance in 1992, the Thai baht imbalance in 1997, ...

Read on the theory of reflexivity... and the cognitive ( understanding) and manipulative ( changing) functions of the mind, and how indeterminacy in social sciences sets it apart from natural sciences and therefore , new paradigm is needed to explain the phenomenon in the financial world ( a social sciences area).

The more you read, the more confused you may become as George attacks the current thinking regime of the world.

I have always held that whoever that is correct in the end will end up with a better scorecard ( ie more zeroes in the bank balance) , and i am sure George Soros has a bigger bank balance than Alan Grenspan, Ben Bernanke or all those perfect competition professors....

Read on and be bewildered!