Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I am GIFTED , So Are You!


This book is like a rags-to-riches story...

The "product" is different though... from "mediocre" to "A " student...

I suppose the ingredients to success share the same thread, whether it is for studying or running a business. There are some core elements, and suitable strategies a, and if applied properly, can do wonders to one's results.

For example, BELIEF.

In his book, the author listed 5 steps :
(1) For things to change, I must first change.
(2) xxxx
(3) If you can do it, so can I
(4) xxxx
(5) Be flexible

CHOICEs and CHANGE  are mentioned many times.

Students can CHOOSE to be a Mediocre or Outstanding Person.

If A chooses to be mediocre, then his brain will work towards being mediocre.
If B chooses to be Outstanding , then his brain will work towards being Outstanding.
Sounds like Steve Covey? You bet... whatever the choices you make, you can never run away from the consequences. Therefore, choose well.

Among the techniques presented :
(1) Speed reading for Keywords ( like Google?)
(2) Mind Mapping
(3) Memory and Recall
(4) Time management.

With the correct Choice, belief system, action, feedback,...anybody can be a genius.

But be prepared to work for it, ok?

It helps if you have read other Mind books like Tony Buzan, T Harv Eker, Anthony Williams, Mark Allen ...

( eg FART = Feelings, Action, Results, Thought. This is from the SuperKids, I'm Gifted program)
       PT FAR = Program, Thought, Feelings, Action, Results. This is from T Harv Eker)

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