Thursday, December 4, 2014

Habits of Highly Effective Parents

Parenting: Nurturing The Winner & Genius In Your Child

Part of the series for child, teenagers and parents, some of the formulas contained can also be found in his other books.

Some of them are :

(1) Ultimate Success Formula

      Beliefs  + Self Esteem




       Actions  ( and Emotions Control )


( Failure )              Success

The " failures" are actually feedback , on how not to do it. And only people with high self esteemed and belief in themselves can take failures as feedback. The unmotivated and low self esteemed will just give up ... BEC ( blame, excuses, complain )

We all have a choice to take the response that we want .

(3) ERO : events + response = outcome
    ( id we have no filtering response, then all events are outcomes. And we may feel that we are not in control of events and outcomes. Effective and goal oriented people change, make choices on the response to events so as to get the results that they want.

(4) Children have different needs : LAIRI ( love, acceptance, inportance, recognition, independence)
    Push the wrong buttons and the kids will response. Push the wrong buttons and the child will clamp up.

(5) REFRAMING : when life hands you a lemon, make a lemonade. This is where a strong self belief and strong self esteem will help cushion the ups and downs in life. A less strong person will just BEC ( blame, excuses, complain )

All the trainers runa a  same vein . eg T Harv Eker PTFAR ( Program, Thought, Feelings, Action , Results). Or Robert Allen's Cash in a Flash ( Recipe, Positives , Wow Now Inner Winner, Dream Team

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