Tuesday, June 7, 2016


KISS ...

I am rereading this book again after reading the & book of wisdom
..and I am seeing things in  a different perspective now.

The KISS book is about getting rich via investment or via trading.
There is nothing wrong with that ... it is just i am viewing from a different perspective.

The 80/20 pareto optimality : 20% owns 80% o fthe wealth..
Well maybe the 80% are happy to just own 20% of the wealth?
The U curve in the book David and Goliath?

Now I understand more why people in Bhutan have the highest Happiness Index despite NOT HAVING material wealth.

There is nothing wrong of being rich AND being happy.
Just be aware by being too rich sometimes has its cost.

You can be SUFFICIENT and happy.
You can be poor and happy.
Just like , you can be rich and happy.

Just... be aware that no matter what material conditions you have, you can choose to be happy!

Just like how the Hong Kong people like to say, " chiu kan you hai you HOI SUM !

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