Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to Control Mind and be Stress Free

I read a few Indian writers and found that they are very philosophical in their view.

Front Cover

Here is an example by K K Gupta
(1) MIND
      Conscious  ( boatman on top of the lake )
      Subconscious   ( colour of the lake )
      Super Conscious ( the bottom of the lake )
     Train the conscious mind to go to superconscious without being coloured by the biases , emotions and feelings of the subconscious.  Be aware that the subconscious can be stronger and can influence the conscious , hence training is required for the conscious to control the subconscious.

There are 3 methods for Mind control
(i) Physical methods : yoga and breathing : focus and slowing the mind, and drawing inside.
(ii) Mental : concentration, detachment, planned thinking, positive thinking( attitude), control over impulses
(iii) Spiritual : meditation, remembrance of God, unselfish actions
  (i) Have vibrations
(ii) different from physical vibrations
(iii) power of materialisation
(iv) hits the persons ( telepathy, transference )
(v) independent of time and space
(vi ) constantly modifying the subconscious mind
(vii) karma linked
(viii) cannot be hidden
(ix) strong mind is immune to negative thought
(x) thought attract like thought
(xi) negative thought weaken the mind
(xii) positive thinking creates positive aura
(xiii) thought creates thought forms
(xiv) thought induce similarthoughts in others
(xv) negative thoughts produce stress, positive thought produce  relaxation

I think therefore I am.
What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.
Fake it till you get it ( subconsciously)

(i) Avoid random thinking
(ii) Be positive at all times
(iii) Reduce emotional elements in your thoughts
(iv) be consistent in thoughts , words, and deeds
(v) Conscious relaxation
(vi) Yoga and meditation


How stress is triggered and ways to overcome them

stressors : fight ot flight
     red alert
     hypothalamus---. pituitary gland---> ACTH hormone----> adrenal glands---> cortisol--->liver
    Liver---> glycogen --> blood sugar---> energy
    Breathing increases
    Adrenalin is released---> surge of energy
    Heartbeat increase---> higher blood circulation
   Blood vessels dilated, blood pressure increases
  Sweating increase
  Muscle tightness, tension ---> ready for action
Digestion shut down---> blood flows from stomach to muscles
Dilation of pupils --> more light into the eye
Mouth dries up---> salivary glands dries up
Rectum and bladder muscles relaxes : sometimes urge to urinate
Shaking of limbs
Cracking of voice
Blood is diverted from skin ---> feeling of coldness
Immune system becomes weak.

All bodily changes to meet impending challenge
Long term stress will bring damage to the body

Too much stress : stress addiction
Too little stress : inaction

Causes of stress
(i) Mental
(ii) Environmental
(iii) Physical : faulty diet, faulty breathing, faulty postures
(iv)  Disease
(v) Excessive talking
(vi) Overexertion

Stress relievers
(i) Meditation
(ii) Stretching exercise
(iii) Aerobic exercise
(iv) Massage
(v) Acupressure
(vi) Water relaxation
(vii) Yoga and breathing

(viii) Laughter
(ix) Diet
(x) Dancing
(xi) Rocking
(xii) Music
(xiii) Nature

(4)  LIFE

 (i) Duality of Life : pain and pleasure, risk and reward
(ii) Destiny ( prarabdha), Fate ( Daiva) and Self effort( purushartha) : cow on a peg
      Destiny is not something rigid. Destiny can never be greater than free will because it itself is the creature of free will exercised by you in the past
 (iii) Happiness
(iv) problems : how to solve them
(v) Working well : attention and awareness, detachment, non doership, non expectation of fruits

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