Friday, March 20, 2015

How Did I get so Busy?


If you had read Tim ferris' 4 hour work week , then you will appreciate this book.

Taking charge of you life is so low in the priority of most people.

This book gives a complete 28-day course to wrestle back your life, to live the life that you always wanted.

In the modern work that we live now, if you do not make that pit stop at least once a week ( hello...even God rested on the Sabbath day, ok ) to reflect on your your life progress, then you will forever be stuck in the "rat wheel cage ".

It is true...

But if you are unable to do so for the whole day in the week, at least spend 5 minutes early in the morning to plan for the day, and 5 minutes at night to reflect on the day.

DO IT TODAY ( if you have just woken, reflect for 5 minutes on what you want to achieve today. If you have already started on the day, make a mental note on what you have done so far, better if you can write it down... then make time to reflect  5 minutes before you go to bed. YOU CAN MAKE TIME for 5minutes!)

Then , the next day, read a Chapter per day during lunch.


DAY 1 says... there is a better way. The author, Valorie Burton has done. So has many people before and after her.

Among the points noteworthy :
(1) Adrenaline Addiction
(2) Tame the Tech
(3) Tame the To-Do -list
(4) that you can catch up
(5) Celebrate Milestones
(6) Eat... sitting down
(7) Exercise...standing up
(8) Self Care
(9) Automate, Delegate, Eliminate
(10)Perpective : Lige Goals
(11) Busyness is NOT Signifance
(12) Busyness is Often lead by FEAR
(13) When Season has gone, move on.
(14) Dont fight Every battle
(15) Dont miss the Journey
...and many more !

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