Monday, March 23, 2015

20X3 Eliminate Your Belly Fat


For only 20 minutes a day, 3X a week , you can lose that Belly Fat!

This is a new dimension to my NSE ( Nutrition Sleep Exercise)...

We often read of the horror stories on how we need to do Continuos HARD exercise to lose that belly fat...and the starvation diet that we have to go through.. what Hell!

Here.. the author has given us a suit our modern day lifestyle...

(1) Just do it 3x a week
(2) 20 mins per time
(3) 8sec/12sec cycle
    ( intense 8 sec...slow 12 second rest )

The reason behing it is to provide the BURN mechanism for a short burst ( by eleveting the heart beat ) and then slow down to prevent excessive lactid acid builtup in the muscles.This would provide the ideal environment for CONTINUOUS burning of energy, rather than feel depleted after a snort period of intensity.

You must of course, complement it with a healthy Mediteranean diet with emphasis on :
(1) whole grains
(2) fruits and vegetables
(3) nuts and seeds
(4) plant based or sea based protein
(5) healthy oil ( olive oil and surprise surprise...coconut oil !)
(6) legumes

He listed 3 factors in successful belly fat loss :
(1) adrenaline and noradrenaline ( hormones from the adrenal glands )
(2) growth hormones ( from the pituitary glands )
(3) T3 hormone ( from the thyroid gland )

Interval sprinting on a 8sec/12sec cycle provides the right balance to induce belly fat loss.

And he does not advocate starvation diet diet it merely encourages muscle loss...which is bad because muscles even at rest , burns calories. The more muscles you have , the more calories you burn.

So , stop starving yourself... ( but switch to a healthier alternative )...
....start exercising ( push, rest...push ,rest ...)

(1) Fat storing hormones : cortisol ( secreted by adrenal glands when we are in long term stress mode)
                                        insulin ( secreted in the pancreas , when we eat ,and when blood sugar level goes up )

(2) Fat burning hormones : catecholamines - epinephrine ( adrenalin )
                                                                      -norepinpehrine ( noradrenaline )
              secreted by the adrenal glands.
              mobilise fats from fat cells and induce fat burning in muscles and the liver
              rises through the night and peaks at 11am
             unfortunately, suppressed in obese individuals.

(3) 2 types of fat : (a) subcutaneous fat ( fat under the skin ( 80-90% )
                              (b) visceral fat ( belly fat , 10-20% )

(4) Inflammation ( fever ) combat pathegons ( germs ). But too much of it can cause heart disease and insulin resistance.

This is the External  ( Body )....


Now comes the Internal ....

STRESS  stimulates the 'fight-or-flight' centres in the brain, which releases stress hormones such as
(1) catecholamines ( adreanline + noraadrenaline.... short term stress )
(2) cortisol ( long term stress )

Short term stress induces the release of catecholamines, which increases our brething rate, increases heart rate and blood pressure, and mobilise fat into the blood for more extra energy... to deal with whatever the stressor is. Muscles became tense, salive flow is decrease ( you feel you mouth becomes 'dry', sweating occurs... your body is responding to a fight or flight... and is getting ready as more energy is release for that bolt away if the need arises.Examples include, swerving to avoid an oncoming car, running away from a dog, rusing to beat the red light, trading in a few contracts of futures. A little stress is good beats the heart up a beat!

Long term stress however , brings about another hormone called cortisol.Enhanced blood cortisol levels make the liver release sugar into the blood, which in turn raises the insulin levels to cope with the increase 0f blood sugar. Constant and long term elevated levels of cortisol ( which increases blood sugar )  and elevated levels of insulin ( which is the response to an increase in blood sugar ) encourages fat accumulation and increase in belly fat. Long term stress is bad for belly fat !

Type of stressors include :
(1)  catalysmic : tsunami, tornado
(2) personal : death of a loved one, losing a job
(3) daily : traffic work, nasty people, too little time

How to cope with stress ?
(1) remove : eliminate the stressor
(2) Accept : tolerate the stressor
(3) manage  : use BMI ( breathing, muscle relaxation, imagery)

 BREATH IN 2,5 second, out 2.5 second ( RE= LAX )
MUSCLE : clench the muscle group for 15 seconds and then release
IMAGERY : sea, cloud, cloud under body.   Warm house in winter.



Sleep is for Restoration and Protection

(1) Leptin : satiety hormone secreted by fat cells  ( ENOUGH )
(2) Ghrelin : hormone secreted from the lining of the gut ( HUNGRY )

Disrupted or insufficient sleep results in higher ghrelin, and lower leptin... that is why sleep deprivation makes us hungrier.

SLEEP is now acknowledged as one of the 4 pillars of helathy lifestyle ...
NSSE : nutrition, stress reduction, sleep, exercise

Melatonin : ( hormone produced by pineal gland ) inittiates the sleep cycle by lowering the core body temperature
Core body temperate increases : stay awake
Core body decreases : become sleepy

Melatonin is decrease by :
(1) aging
(2) exposure to bright lights
(3) lack of sleep

Certain drugs induce sleep. Eg paracetamol, aspirin (as these drugs lower  core body temperature )
Hot , sweaty exercise in late afternoon lowers core body temperature, hence enhances sleep .
Avoid direct exercise 2 hours before sleep .

Friday, March 20, 2015

Learners Koren Dictionary

 Product Details

There are 5,000++ words. If you are able to remember 10 words a day, then you should be able to have about 3000 words.

Start with the Vowels and Consonants...

Short Term Futures Trading

Day Traders have their own rules, constitution, genetic make up.

Jakes Bernstein gives a peek into the world of Day Trading...

(1) CTOD : Critical Time of the Day
(2) Stocastic POP

Find the nuggets suitable to you as trading is very personal.

How Did I get so Busy?


If you had read Tim ferris' 4 hour work week , then you will appreciate this book.

Taking charge of you life is so low in the priority of most people.

This book gives a complete 28-day course to wrestle back your life, to live the life that you always wanted.

In the modern work that we live now, if you do not make that pit stop at least once a week ( hello...even God rested on the Sabbath day, ok ) to reflect on your your life progress, then you will forever be stuck in the "rat wheel cage ".

It is true...

But if you are unable to do so for the whole day in the week, at least spend 5 minutes early in the morning to plan for the day, and 5 minutes at night to reflect on the day.

DO IT TODAY ( if you have just woken, reflect for 5 minutes on what you want to achieve today. If you have already started on the day, make a mental note on what you have done so far, better if you can write it down... then make time to reflect  5 minutes before you go to bed. YOU CAN MAKE TIME for 5minutes!)

Then , the next day, read a Chapter per day during lunch.


DAY 1 says... there is a better way. The author, Valorie Burton has done. So has many people before and after her.

Among the points noteworthy :
(1) Adrenaline Addiction
(2) Tame the Tech
(3) Tame the To-Do -list
(4) that you can catch up
(5) Celebrate Milestones
(6) Eat... sitting down
(7) Exercise...standing up
(8) Self Care
(9) Automate, Delegate, Eliminate
(10)Perpective : Lige Goals
(11) Busyness is NOT Signifance
(12) Busyness is Often lead by FEAR
(13) When Season has gone, move on.
(14) Dont fight Every battle
(15) Dont miss the Journey
...and many more !