Wednesday, September 3, 2014



This book gives a history and the philosophy behing yoga.

What we normally hear of yoga is the :
(1) poses ( asana)
(2) breathing ( pranayama )

But there a a total of 8 aspects of yoga called the 8 limbs of yoga ...

(1) ( yama ) Dealing with the outside world : do not kill, steal , lie, ... moderation, non-covetness
(2) ( niyama ) Dealing with oneself : purity , awareness, contentment, self-discipline ,higher being
(3) ( asana) Poses
(4) ( pranayama ) Breathing
(5) Dealing with 5 senses . Shutting off, turning in. Stimuli-filter- response.
(6) Concentration : power of NOW. Live in the PRESENT.
(7) Meditation
(8) Actualisation

If you are not too religious , tend the poses and breathing techniques has a calming effect.
The concentration allows you to still your mind, and perhaps lower your stress level.



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