Wednesday, June 11, 2014

50 Best of Yoga

And I thought Yoga was only for the hermits, and for those who want to meditate...

This book gives the logic behind yoga poses and the principles of healing .

As we rush through life, we often neglect that our bodies need time to recharge it. We sit and walk too much, putting a strain to our skeletal framework.  

Backward poses "restring" our posture; breathing exercise out internal organs; body twists give muscle tautness and a good massage to the internal organs; inversions drain out the lymphic fluids back to the nodes as the passage the fluids go through do not have valves.

The above  are the physiological benefits.

By being mindful of our breathing , the mental well being is being nurtured as well.

Yoga  has both the external and internal benefits ...all good for the body, mind and soul.

Try it today!

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