Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pavilions In the Air

This is a highly entertaining and humorous book that blends wisdom into everyday life situations.

You take bite sizes , or gulp it down at a go , and still feel that you can go for another round of reading.

Love it....

Here are some of my favourites :

(1) 会捉老鼠猫不
hui zhuo lao shu mao bu jiao
A cat that can catch the mouse does not mew


(2) 骄兵必 
 jiao bing bi bai
An arrogant soldier is doomed to fail.
Pride comes before a fall.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Invisible Gorilla


See the video if you have not.... 50% of the people cannot see the gorilla... a condition known as "inattentional blindness ". Concentrate so much into one aspect of life , you fail to see the big picture. Tunnel vision.


The book covers 6 aspects of illusion : AM CK CP ( attention, memory, confidence , knowledge, cause, potential)

You never know them unless you read about them.

The marketeers know about it , that is why in seminars, they exploit the " confidence" , and "knowledge" ... they speak with so much confidence and knowledge that you have no choice but to give them the benefit of doubt! Seminars that tell you what to do sell much more than seminars that give you choices and menus to choose from.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Discover Zen

Joy in the Morning, Sleep at Night, What Else?

If this intrigues you, then Zen may just be your cup of tea?
Front Cover

No wanting to be too religious?

Never mind, you can practice without pledging allegiance...

Too advance for mere mortals like you and me?

Behold!... Zen is Ordinary , Everyday Life.

More like a way of life in balance, rather than religious rituals.

Tea ceremony, flower arrangements, breathing techniques, circular breathing... the overflowing cup ( to denote an ego-filled  mind) , the flower lesson ( to dnote aha moments) , FAITH, COURAGE, INQUIRY....

Or Master Bankei's insight... I appreciate your high moral ground, but who will guide him if I chase him away?

Focus and total absorption ( if you find "mindfulness" too religious-sounding )  like a child in play....

Harmony and balance ( if you don not like "Middle Path" )...

Truly inspiring... good insights to de-clutter modern life, and to re-experience the fullness of life through gratitude, and thankfulness for everyday living in the present...