Monday, February 10, 2014

The Value of Nothing

And I thought that this verse was from Warren Buffett...

"... Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing"...

... but it is actually from Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Now , I know why economists and researches spend so much time in the library to regurgitate old facts. So that the truths can be presented in a easier form for the masses to understand.

Hers are so news facts that I have learned ...

(1)  fake alpha : bets that appeared to produce consistently good returns despite having a small built-in chance of catastrophic loss
(2) if war is God's way of teaching Americans geography, recession is His way of teaching everyone a little economics
(3) Anton's blindness : sufferers are blind, but possessed of a fervent belief that they can see ( unaware of their inability? )
(4) Private Profit, Socialised risk : Goldman Sach's USD13 billion investment in AIG was repaid in full at face value whereas investors in Chrysler was paid 25 cents to the dollar.
(5) $7.2 million per life ( actuarial figure )  : Iraq war costs $3 trillion
(6) Homo economicus  : the economic man
(7) Games : Public Goods, Ultimatum, Inequity Aversion
(8) Easterlin paradox : the pursuit of wealth doesn't create happiness
(9) Psychological well being is a source  for both generosity and happiness
(10) The corporation is a psychopath!

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