Monday, January 20, 2014

The Sages

If you are a Value Investor, you would look up to Buffett...

If you are a Trader, you would read Soros' books...

But if you are a regulator, Volker?

Anyway, the section on Soros was fascinating , especialy his trade log which has recorded 2% return per week... and the events leading to the 1 billion break of the Bank of England.

Notable points :
(1) George Soros is a master loss taker.
(2) He cuts his position whenever his back aches ( physiology giving hints to psychology?)
(3) His Quantum fund averages 31% for the last 30 years.
(4) He respects herds, not because they are right, but because they are like the ocean.

And a few more pointers later...

( I read that you need to read at least 2 -3 books per week to stay ahead of the pack. And you need to give up more of TV, social media. Can you be so disciplined as to to be able to read 2-3 books a week?.....sigh.... struggling to even finish one per week!....)

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