Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SunZi Art of War in Business

If you want a fast overview of Sunzi's Art of War, read it comics-style!

Read about :

1. Initial Assessment
2. Waging War
3. Attack by Stratagem
4. Disposition of Military Forces
5. Use of Military Momentum
6. Strengths and Weaknesses
7. Maneovering
8. The Nine Variations
9. Mobilisation
10. The Terrain'
11. Nine Types of Strategic Ground
12. Attack with Fire
13. Use of Spies

My most memorable strategy?

Attack by Stratagem
1. Best Method : to foil the enemy with Strategies
2. Good Method : to defeat the enemy by adopting better diplomatic policy
3. Bad Method : to defeat the enemy by fighting
4. The Worst Method : to attack the enemy castle ( by seige and hold)

In the world of trading and investing, a parallel can be drawn

4. Worst Method : buy and hold stocks that do not pay dividend and prices keep  going down ( like a siege of a castle : one digs in but the ration and morale drains out. Castle still in enemy hands )
3. Bad method : buy and hold stock that do not move or pay dividend ( you employ money to fight an immovable price )
2. Good method : buy and hold stocks that gives dividend and rises slowly ( do thorough analysis, buy discount to fair value, receives dividend at above inflation rate, while price rises slowly )
1. Best method : buy and sell stock without having to hold, and get both dividend and capital gains ( insider info , buy and hold without having to pay any holding costs )

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