Friday, September 21, 2012


If you suffer from any form of addiction, take heart that this could just be a medical condition and it's curable!

Research is done by the author that humans have a pleasure zone in the brain that can be activated by the presence of drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling and even exercise. Tests have been conducted to show that electrodes placed on certain parts of the brains can actually stimulate the pleasure zone.

Read about amydala ( which controls emotion) , prefrontal cortex, hippotamus ( memory), VTA( ventral tegmantal area ( pleasure), medial forebrain pleasure circuit ( pleasure )... and a host of other brain parts that control motor, emotive and cognitive functions. I wonder why my Bio teacher never thought me these... save showing us that clump of brown mass immersed in chloroform!

Read also of the process of addiction : tolerance, withdrawal, craving, relapse... 

And also why some people find uncertainty highly addictive!

And how meditative practices can cure addiction...

And many many more biological terms that I cannot possibly LTP, LTD...

Heads off to doctors , man....

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