Monday, December 5, 2011

The Biggest Game in Town

Got this book at the BigBadWolf clearance at South City, Seri Kembangan( parking was RM1 for the 1st 12 hours!)... for RM5!

Very informative, very much like Trading for a Living, it's Poker for a Living.

If you are a trader, highly recommended.

A few gems ...

" It's easier to sleep when I lose than when I win. When I win, I'm all pumped up and excited. I can't unwind myself as quickly as I can when I'm down and semi-depressed" 55

Very real. Especially for Traders too.

" In order to play high stakes poker, you need to have a total disregard for money" ...pg51

At that level, poker is a game , and the chips are just a way of keeping score. Just like what Kiyosaki said. At super -rich level, the rich just wants to keep score. And money is the measurement.

" In the free enterprise system, you have to assume that each guy is the best judge of what he does with his money. If someone wants to bet $30,000 in a poker game, that's his privilege. Society may consider it a bad judgement, but if that is what he wants to do, you can't fault him for it. That's America!" 63

That is also Las Vegas. That is also Bursa Malaysia if someone wants to buy 1,000,000 of XYZ - CD!


"the guy who invented gambling was bright, but the guy who invested the chip was a genius" 52

" a player who freezes at the sight of a fifty dollar bill, thinking it could buy him a week's food at the supermarket, will toss 2 green chips into the pot without even hesitating if the odds are right!

Viva Las Vegas! Viva Bursa!

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