Monday, September 19, 2011

Be Your Own Financial Planner

Week 3 : Sept 2011

Another book by the TrueWealth Publishers ( Azizi Ali), written by Jade Haven. I like this Malaysian publisher, with topics ranging from Stock markets, Financial planning, Properties, Swiftlet farming...anything to do with making money!

This book starts with the Basics : Risk Profiling, Time value of money,Cash Flow, Net worth, Debt management ( Car , House, Credit cards ), Planning.

It then goes on to explain the aspects of 4A's : Asset Protection ( Insurance ) , Asset Accumulation ( Cost Averaging, Higher returns, Inflation, Risk Minimisation ) , Asset Preservation ( Allocation, portfolio rebalancing, Trust Nomination, Tax Planning ) and finally Asset Distribution ( Wills, Living Trust ).

Jade's purpose of writing this book is to share her knowledge... and if you go through her book, you will get a "big picture" feel of what financial planning should be.

If done properly, you should be able to "work for fun, and not for fund!"

Note her idea of Value Cost Averaging, Higher Returns, Living Trust. Very useful for me.

Book can be bought online from . Cost rm39.90.

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