Monday, December 17, 2012

The Biggest Book Sale in the World...

.... see for yourself...

 It really is THE BIGGEST book sale in the world....

the left view...

                                .......centre view.......

                                                          ...right view ! ( phew!... 3 million books!)

Want to be Happy?

... here's a scientific way to do it...

The contents are similar to the ones spelled out in the book, Search Inside Yourself...

the Millionaire Messenger

Ever wonder much much a speaker earns?

The gurus and the experts?

What is it that they do that normal folks cannot do?

Is this the "expert industry"?

Well. at USD25,000 per talk... it is worth your while to find out how they do it...

... if you can also connect the dots!

Some summary on parts of his book:

Map  : 6 Pillars Writing, Speaking, Seminars, Coaching, Consulting, Online Marketing
          :  5 Steps  1. low priced  product ( $10-$200)
                           2. (low priced )  Subscription ( $97)
                           3. Mid Tier Product ( $200 - $999)
                           4 . High tiered Multi Day Seminar ( $1,000 per person )
                           5. High Priced Coaching Programme ($2,000 er person per month)

Mindset : (1) Self worth; Obligation
 ( Why)    (2) Learn, Create
                 (3) Small business is not small-mindedness!
                 (4) Student -> Teacher---> Servant
                 (5) Mastery ---> Keep digging!

Mandate :
 ( How)

You can also visit his website at

And he has just launched a book called "The Charge"...

In which he outlined the Human Drives ;

BASE LINE                                    FORWARD
(1) Control                                      (6) Change
(2) Competence                               (7) Challenge
(3) Congruence                                (8) Creative ( expression )
(4) Caring                                         (9) Contribution
(5) Connection                                 (10) Consciousness

Sometimes I wonder whether motivators are just great therausus users... or are they also good ideas "repackagers"... or are they just talking things that w e want to hear?

Just like Rich Dad series of books.... one general theme that get overplayed over and over again!

But these people get paid... and get paid very well for their speeches ( or repackaged speeches)....

So, do you want to be paid for repackaging things and add a little here and there?

Sucessful NLP

Can Excellence be Modeled?

If you follow exactly what Tiger Woods teaches you, can you be the next Tiger Woods?

Well, NLP seems to suggest that Excellence can be modelled.

NLP seeks to Inprove Communications, Change Behaviour and then Models Excellence so that we can more of what we want, and less of what we don't want.

So, what is the difference that makes the excellent different?


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Secrets of Highly Profitable Traders

All traders , take note... BUY this book...

It is in the ranks of Markets Wizards, Secrets to Millionaire Forex Traders, Trading for a living, Trading in the Zone..

Here is the Summary for the 2nd Trader interviewed : Collin Seow

(1) ETET
(2) 20SMA and 40 SMA
(3) Trading Journal vs Outcome Journal ( Precession Effect )
(4) Breakout Entry vs Retracement Entry
(5) Stewardship vs Ownership
(6) Humans : need to be right
                      tendency to make simple things complex ( especially high IQ people )

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Set Yourself Free

This is a direct confrontation with the ideas of Rich Dad.

Rich Dad advocates getting rich from middle class, but Yap Ming Hui suggested a more conservative route via Money Optimisation, ie  a shift to the right from the Left Column Rat Race.

On the Left is the Money making Abilities.....   Right is the Money Optimisation Abilities

     High                      Rich                                            Wealthy
     Medium                 Middle Class                               Financially Free
     Low                        Poor                                            Self Sufficient
This is his Money Making/ Optimisation "quadrant"...

And his Optimisation Plan is pretty straight forward periodic reallocation of asset classes between :
 (1) Cash   : 20%
(2) Bonds : 30%
(3) Equities : 50%

He is an advocator of dolar cost averaging , so be in for along haul ( 5 years of more) to see results.

Many of the Retirement Visualisation charts are from his previous book "The Road Map to Financial Freedom.

But his new additions are :

(1) The Money Abilities / Optimaisation

(2) the Asset allocation model of 20:30:50 between cash / bonds/ equity

(3) The challenges to financial freedom : low income, competing wants, tempting spending habits, inflation, too many products, too many financials agents.

Conclusion : a middle speed train, no need to sleep in cars while optimising your money.

Many free financial tools can  be found at his website 

Friday, September 21, 2012


If you suffer from any form of addiction, take heart that this could just be a medical condition and it's curable!

Research is done by the author that humans have a pleasure zone in the brain that can be activated by the presence of drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling and even exercise. Tests have been conducted to show that electrodes placed on certain parts of the brains can actually stimulate the pleasure zone.

Read about amydala ( which controls emotion) , prefrontal cortex, hippotamus ( memory), VTA( ventral tegmantal area ( pleasure), medial forebrain pleasure circuit ( pleasure )... and a host of other brain parts that control motor, emotive and cognitive functions. I wonder why my Bio teacher never thought me these... save showing us that clump of brown mass immersed in chloroform!

Read also of the process of addiction : tolerance, withdrawal, craving, relapse... 

And also why some people find uncertainty highly addictive!

And how meditative practices can cure addiction...

And many many more biological terms that I cannot possibly LTP, LTD...

Heads off to doctors , man....

The Solomon Secrets

This book has many similarities with the " Richest Man in Babylon" in that they both draw wisdom from Solomon, and that there are many quotes from the Bible.

What attracted me was the idea that All things need time , in their own time. "...Have the wisdom for restraint..."

He also mention the idea of CRAP... in that soil needs crap in order to be rich, to grow good plants. Hence the more crap you receive in your life, the better and stronger your character.

Many ideas are quite conventional. Like Living below your means. , You need to have a PLAN.

Easy reading , with plenty of quotes from the Bible.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Technical Analyisis for Dummies...

Technical Analysis For Dummies

Back to Basics... you will always find new things in the Foundation book that you have first read...

For one to be an author of a DUMMIES series, one must have the necessary education, experience and competence in that particuloar field...

I have no doubt that  in this author , judging from the content and context of the book...

Here's the nuggets that I have re-discovered :

10 secrets of top technical traders :

(1) Trust the chart
(2) Befriend the Trend
(3) Understand that you make Real Cash when you close
(4) Take responsibility ( dont listen to rumours; make sure the prices has turned up before buying, dfensive trading; no such thing as luck)
(5) Avoid Euphoria and Despair
(6) Concentrate on Making Money , Not Being Right ( use PHD, not 6 sigma!)
(7) Dont turn Winning Trades into Losing
(8) Avoid the temptation to Curve Fit
(9) Know when to Hold and When to Fold
(10) Diversify

And the 10 rules for using Indicators

(1) Listen to Prices
(2) Understand your Indicators
(3) Trade what you See ( if you cant see dont trade; look left for higher time frames )
(4) Use Support and Resistance
(5) Follow the Breakout Principle
(6) Watch the Convergence and Divergence
(7) Backtest the Indicators
(8) Know that Your Indicator will Fail
(9) Agree that No secret Indicator Exists
(10) Use Favourites

There was a Section on Expecting a Positive Result whereby the author gave an example of A, B, C , D setups aith the corresponding 20% chances of being correct ( and should wisely be used to position size accordingly)

A trick to enhance the Positive Expectations :
(1) Entering Gradually ( as the setup signals unfold...A, B, C...)
(2) Exiting at Once

This , she term as ...Efficient Entrance.... Ruthless Exit

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Rules of Wealth

The Rules of Wealth: A Personal Code for Prosperity (The Rules Series)
The 100 rules of wealth... follow them right and retire rich...

Many rules can be found in Rich Dad series ( like having to start your own business, and unlikely to be rick working for others)

Also the mindet, the plan , the start.... can also be found in other millionaires book ( like the Instant Millionaires)

I never get tired of reading the road to that million book..

Birds of a feather , flock together...

Maybe one day, I will feature the Millionaire book written by me...

Then I can truly say I have arrived!

Unmistakenly Chinese, Genuinely Malaysian...


Read this if you want to know why some Chinese Malaysians are called "banana" and why the bananas make the most noise.

The 90% of the Chines Malaysains are as inscrutable as ever bacause only the English speaking people are interested to do "research" . The Chinese who reads Chinese are too bothered and are happy to stick to mainstream newspapers for their needs.

Understand the G1, G2, and G3s.... and why 95% of Chines parents sent their children to Chinese primary schools. Very soon , the G2 will swell in number in the next generation when they Chinese primary kids grow up and start to voice their opinions.

Politicians must read this book... and hopefully will not go around giving "white packets" to living people of Chinese descent  ...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wealth Magic

An Aussie version of Rich Dad, as you can see many examples of OPM ( Other People’s Money), using Equities from a revaluated Home mortgage to buy properties in perpetuity with little or no money down. Leverage if used wisely can do magic. But faced with subprime like property meltdown, you have better be prepared.

Some very interesting concepts like :

(1)   The Key to Wealth : knowledge ( applied ) and skill
(2)   The Key to Success : you reap what you sow
(3)   The First Secret of Money Magnetism : Uniqueness ( 1 demand 2 willingness to pay 3 only you can provide supply )
(4)   The Second Secret of Money : add Value
(5)    The Third Secret of Money : Leverage

He also touched on :
(1)   When we struggle , it is probably because (1) off-course (2) the winds have changed direction
(2)   Law of Universal Convergence : nature  will fill the “vacuum” created by an well constructed idea and the before the formation of form. Nature will provide all the resources, people, energy needed to create the form because it is the law of nature to fill hte void. Let go of the idea and nature has no more vacuum to fill. The idea just fizzles out. Stick to the idea till it take form.
(3)   The 3 elements of investment : Growth, Income, Low Risk. Choose either 2.

Being rich is a skill worth learning for. Because even if you lose your wealth, you still have the skill to make back the money. Maybe even faster than the 1st time you made it.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Super Charge Your Investing Approach for Big Profits

This is a book for Active Investors... who likes to do swing trading, definitely not a Buy-and-Hold book..

I read the book backwards...

And the Fast Track Your Journey section( Chapter 12) held my attention for a while..

In it , the author listed 5 areas :
(1) Hard work : 90% preparation. 10% Action
(2) Concentrate  : your stocks to five
(3) Certain Uncertainty : the stock market exists because people are not sure of the future
(4) Cut Loss/ Profit Run : ( fear ) that the market will fall ; ( hope ) that the market will rise
(5) Trail Profit : 7% from the top

In trading, the author uses the VSA ( Volume Spread Analysis) as his main tools... with 4 distinct market phases : Accumulation, Mark-up, Distribution, Mark-down. His view on the lack of selling pressure that is the main reason why stocks go up in price explains why syndicated stocks are being accumulated by players for a long time without volume.

Whilst on valuation, he recommend PE ratios or the E/P ratio which he then compares against the current FD rates.;

 On spotting the market strengths, he has 4 categories :
(1) Selling climax ( bag holding )
(2) Testing
(3) Stopping volume
(4) Shakeout

 Conversely, on market weakness, he has :
(1) Buying climax
(2) Up thrust
(3) No demand Up bar

His DEEP PRACTICE is basically a mental visualisation technique that he uses before he trades ...

In the early part of the book , he discusses the difference between Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis and that a combined approach usinf both methods can bring about better results than relying solely on one technique.

His search engine is Metastock.

Swing traders, active investors in the stock market.... this book is written for you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who Moved My Cheese?

" Everything flows, nothing stands still "
 --- Plato

The only constant is change. So, how are you gonna deal with it?

21 million copies has been sold...hence 21 million mice cannot be wrong!

So how do you react to the writing on the wall?

(1) Change Happens

(2) Anticipate Change

(3) Monitor Change

(4)Adapt to Change Quickly

(5) Change

(6) Enjoy change

(7) Be ready to change Quickly and Enjoy It Again and Again...

If you marry someone and hope to change him/ is better and easier to change yourself!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Better Trading

If you are trading for a living, this is an add-on book you should have. From the author of the Guppy Multiple Moving Averages, there's always new things that you can learn in any of the books he published.

Today, I learned about :

(1) Equity Curves You need to chart your Trading equity on a graph to "see" the trading performance visually. Many traders miss this point. They use MAs but failed to chart a moving Average for themselves. Drawdowns can be detected immediately when you see your own graphs.

 (2) State of Markets Young, Robust or matured?... Obviously you should catch the trend as early as possible but some traders prefer to catch only the middle third of the trend ie the robust part. A rule of thumb is to catch Longs from a % bounce from the bottom , say 10% or 20%. Technical recession is 20% from the top, so we should also do the same.

 (3) Flinch points The flinch curve is a very unique way of profiling the trader's response to stop loss.

He starts with :

 (A) Performance profiling : comparing various trading strategies eg buy and hold vs managed trading

 (B) Protect capital : his "flinch curve" is very enlightening

(C) Protect Profits : his "Grow-Up Strategy" is worth looking at

 (D) Protect Portfolios : do the "swiss roll "

 Allocate 1 month for this book. You will be lucky is you can go through the heavy stuff at one Part per week.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Be Your Own Boss

Anybody who is disillusioned about the JOB as an lifetime income source will find a legion of pathfinders before them. Gobala Krishnan of the Internet fame, Yeo Keong Hee of "Secrets to Forex Millionaires" are a few examples. Barefootexecutive above is the latest that I read about.

Their WHY's usually start with disenchantment with society's norms : get good grades, get good job , work 30 years , retire on half your income. Sounds like what Robert Kiyosaki bet! I believe the ratio of converts has turned more than 90/10  now....  more than 10% are gearing towards " Minding Their Own Business"... I am one of the aspiring one too... Maybe one day, I will also write a book and gladly declare that  I am the new 1% to join the 10%!

Carrie uses a lot of easy to remember acronyms : her M & M's.

(A) MYTHS : (1) Job Security
                        (2) Why you must Own your own Business ( " MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS"... one of the 6 rules in Rich Dad, Poor Dad )

(B ) MISTAKES (1) Do not chase Other People's Dreams
                            (2) Chasing Too Many Rabbits
                            (3) Chasing Dollars

(C) METHODS (1) Mindset
                           (2) Massive action
                           (3) MasterMinding
                           (4) Mentor
                           ( 5) Mining Research

(D) MODELS  (1) Service Based
                         (2) Expertise
                         (3) Knowledge
                         (4) Goods
                         (5) Referrals
                         (6) Multiple Streams of Income

                                        (2)  Ideas to income
                                       (3)  WHERE will they find you?
                                       (4) Building Audience
                                       (5) WHERE will you find THEM?

Making the most impact on me?

" Quit worrying about somebody taking your idea or taking your intellectual property.You know what? Take my intellectual property. I can make more"
                       - pg 129 to 130

How much cooler can you get?

Go to for more info

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dividends Don't Lie

There will come a time when you have reached the nest egg target and wish to do some portfolio balancing between income, liquidity and growth. Assuming you have chosen for Liquidity (1) FD, Bond Fund ( between 3-5%) and for INCOME (1) REITS ( about 7%) , physical real estate ( about 7-12% , depending on the entry price) , that leaves GROWTH... you need to choose DIVIDEND YIELDING blue chip stocks.

This book listed 24 dividend yielding stocks in Bursa :

(1) BAT
(2) Bintulu Port
(3) Boustead
(4) Bursa
(5) Carlsberg
(6) Digi
(7) Dutch Lady
(8) F&N
(9) Guiness
(10) JTI
(11) KianJoo
(12) LPI
(13) MNRB
(14) Nestle
(15) NPTM
(16) PetDagangan
(17) PLUS
(18) PPB
(19) QL
(20) Shell
(21) Tanjong
(22) Telekom
(23) YTLPower
(24) Public Bank

Have over 100 counters in your CDS but none of the above?

Well...the writer has invested time and effort into the research of the list... how long did you research your stock list? Call your remisier for 2 minutes and that's it?

( update : 16 May 2012 )

Compare the above list with the FBM KLCI 30 components.... which dividends stocks above is in the list.... and which is not?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Secure, Comfortable or Rich?

So, do you want to be Secure, Comfortable or Rich?

If you have graduated from university, chances are you will choose Secure and Comfortable because that is what you are trained to be all your life! You would probably buy unit trust and use dollar cost averaging and then plan to retire on half of your income...just according to plan!

But with inflation raging at 8% to 12% ( real inflation, not the govt stats) , you cannot afford to use the old method of investing amy more!

Say , you start work at 25, work 30 years till 55 , then live on your savings for the next 30 will find that 10 years into retirement, your savings will not last any more than the nex t5 years!

That's when the mid-"later life" crisis will set in!

Enter Rich Dad's Guide for Investing :

You have to make a PLAN and CHOICE on the end result : SECURE, COMFORTABLE, or RICH.

Decide what income you want : Active, portfolio, or passive?

Quickly convert your Active Income into Portfolio and Passive Income.

After being secured, and confortable, it is time to get rich ( retire young and spend your time to get rich! A job gets in the way of getting rich. Hence start generating Passive Income that will exceed your Expenses and are financially free)

The choice you make will be measured in TIME, and not money.

Your security purcahsed could be an ASSET or LIABILITY ( asset gives income, liability gives expenses!)

It is AUTOMATIC, BORING and it WORKS. Rein in your impatience, do not rock the proven method.

And the 3E's : Education, Experience, Excessive Cash.
( if you have the Education, and Experience, but no Excessive Cash... keep at it....the experience has probably not reached the Critical Mass yet....)

Sounds simple , eh? Well, humans always tend to complicate matters....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slow, Safe Trains for Normal Folks

Traditional investments vehicles like cash, FD, unit trusts, stocks,shoplots, ruber and palm oil estates, raw land are time-tested investment vehicles of our parents when Malaya was just developing and oil has yet to be discovered.

An acre of rubber plantation costs about RM100 when average pay was about Rm300 in the 1950's ( 1/3 of monthly pay ) Fast forward to 2010, average pay is Rm3,000 and an acre of rubber plantation is about Rm40,000!! ( 13x average pay, or about 1 year's pay ).

My first book on Financial Freedom was ...well, Financial Freedom! Published by KLMutual ( now renamed Public Mutual ) , it was THE book to read on financial freedom. Rich Dad came out shortly, and a few later, Retire Young, Retire Rich.

The is a BIG difference in the approach taken by the two genre : traditional financial books are well, traditional. Safe, tested, SLOW TRAINS. Rich Dad books are fast, high velocity, leveraged, FAST TRAINS.

Both will bring you to your destination....eventually. But the fast trains allow you to reach your destination when you are in your 40's, not 60's!

So, which train do you which to board?

SLOW TRAIN tickets...

FAST TRAIN tickets...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Retire Young Retire Rich

"When it seemed the darkest, what kept you and Kim going? I want to hear the real reason...not the ones you have given so far" asked one of the participants (pg 533 )

And the answer?

"What would you do if there was no risk and it required no money to become rich?"

A question to a question????

" Are you sure such world exist? " one might ask.
" Well , I'll go find it"
" It does not matter what I think. What is important is what you think."
" If you think it is impossible , then it is impossible."

Many people cannot reach their maximum potential beause they do not open their minds wide enough. Sight is what they see with their eyes, vision is what the mind sees. If their minds are closed to possibilities, then they cannot see possibilities.

With every new invention comes a new leverage and new opportunities. PC , internet, Facebook, google, clouds, tablets.

What does your mind see? Obstacles or opportunities?

To retire young and rich, open your mind....

Look at for the LEVERAGE ( can be found anywhere : Business, Real Estate, Papers ( Stocks, Futures, Options, Commodities, Forex), Internet, Systems, Education ) that will fast track your cashflow. Increase the velocity of your ROI ( target quarterly, then monthly, fortnightly, weekly ).

Buy assets for CASHFLOW...


Increase the VELOCITY of ROI...

The rich use them MORE than the poor, should you too if you want to retire earlier?

( Just remembered the One Minute Millionaire...the authors can show you the path to the millions, but you have to walk the journey yourself!)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On the Brink

Henry Paulson was the Secretary of Treasury of the US that oversaw the collapse of Lehman brothers and the rescue of AIG, and Goldman Sachs. So why did he rescue so many but left Lehmnan to die?

In actual fact, ( according to his book ) he tried to save Lehman but there were just no buyers as the valuation of the assets were too difficult to quantify.

Many insights were gleaned from this book...

..." the economic version of war"

...the concepts of " originate to hold " to " originate to distribute"

... the NINJAs ( No Income, No Job, No Assets )

and his favourite verse fom the Bible ..

" God hath not given the spirit of fear, but of power and of hope, and of sound mind.."

- Second book of Timothy , Verse 1.7

A very gripping insider view of what actually led to the financial turmoil of 2008.

And all for Rm5 at the Big, Bad, Wolf sale ( the front cover was slightly torn!)