Friday, May 2, 2014

4 hour work week

This is an eye opener....

(1) TMI : Time. Mobility, Income. Income as a means to an end of having lots of time and mobility. And not the other way round. It is the lifestyle that millions of dollars can buy, not the millions by itself!
Also : Total monthly Income required for the desired lifestyle. Earning in USD, spending in pesos, and having a Virtual Assistant in rupees stretches the dollar in more ways than one.

(2) DEAL : Definition, Eliminate, Automate, Liberate

(3) PPPP : Pareto, Parkinson, Principles, whatever the method. Process ( without you )

(4) Ideal income : fom a business that bothers you as little as possible. You must not be the bottleneck. If you are one, remove yourself from the system.

(5) Eliminate : you cannot allow pessimism, sloth , low confidence infect you. If your current circle of friends are so, eliminate them . They have no right to poison you. And you have every right to save yourself from poison.

The flowchart of elimination is very useful.
Enjoy? Yes / No . Add to Action List
Add to  Income? Yes /no. Can it be Outsourced? Yes/ No . Add to List.
Obligation? Yes/No . Can it be outsoursed? Yes/No. Add to List.
NO? Eliminate!  ( from )

(6) EE(E)  : Effectivenes. Not just efficiency. Eliminate, the unnecessary.

(7) Batching : accummulate work in  batches and just it just once a day. Like email reading. Once at 10am, once at 4pm.

(8) Production , not just Action

(9) Busyness = laziness to automate


Here is his web site.. go get your mini retirement plans there....