Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I am GIFTED , So Are You!


This book is like a rags-to-riches story...

The "product" is different though... from "mediocre" to "A " student...

I suppose the ingredients to success share the same thread, whether it is for studying or running a business. There are some core elements, and suitable strategies a, and if applied properly, can do wonders to one's results.

For example, BELIEF.

In his book, the author listed 5 steps :
(1) For things to change, I must first change.
(2) xxxx
(3) If you can do it, so can I
(4) xxxx
(5) Be flexible

CHOICEs and CHANGE  are mentioned many times.

Students can CHOOSE to be a Mediocre or Outstanding Person.

If A chooses to be mediocre, then his brain will work towards being mediocre.
If B chooses to be Outstanding , then his brain will work towards being Outstanding.
Sounds like Steve Covey? You bet... whatever the choices you make, you can never run away from the consequences. Therefore, choose well.

Among the techniques presented :
(1) Speed reading for Keywords ( like Google?)
(2) Mind Mapping
(3) Memory and Recall
(4) Time management.

With the correct Choice, belief system, action, feedback,...anybody can be a genius.

But be prepared to work for it, ok?

It helps if you have read other Mind books like Tony Buzan, T Harv Eker, Anthony Williams, Mark Allen ...

( eg FART = Feelings, Action, Results, Thought. This is from the SuperKids, I'm Gifted program)
       PT FAR = Program, Thought, Feelings, Action, Results. This is from T Harv Eker)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Keep Investment Simple and Stupid

The perennial divide between TA  ( Sorosists) and FA ( Buffetologists).

This book attempts to give the best of both world.

After a while ( of reading those trading books), you will find that all roads will lead to Damascus ( or Rome, or Hollande!!). It is the search for your own unique Damascus that will bring enlightenment!

Imagine  a high risk high return trader that uses continuous SAR, and is in the market 15-20 times a day for 8 hours? And he claims that that is the only way to El Dorado....

But staying glued to the computer 8 hours a day? Isn't that trading a desk job for another desk job ( but with no EPF, helath insurance)?

But I digress...

The first part is Textbook Fundamental Analysis ie Buffetology in  simpler language.
( investing in 1. funds  2. stocks  3. gold silver   4. oil )

And the second part is Textbook Technical Analysis ie an abridged version of John J Murphy's bible on technical Analysis.

Enough said.

The title said , simple. Simple is what you get.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Your Brain : A user Guide


So mysterious. So facsinating.

Yet so little understood.

This book explores the brain from the social context... but left me more bewildered than when I first started.

Amazing Extraordinary Facts : British Wars

A short History on all the wars fought by the british army.

My goodness.... the Brits sure love to fight , eh?

Amazing ExtraOrdinary Facts : Leonardo Da Vinci

An abridged version on all thehe works of Leonardo Da Vinci

Noteworthy ;

(1) He records everything he sees and experience so that he can reflect on them later.
     A habit worth noting in our culure of use and forget.

Money Culture

Product Details

A Michael lewis.

This should be enough to make you read the book .

A lot of stories about the financial world.

Noteworthy :

(1) Yale SOM graduates go for "satisficers" rather than maximisers. I read about that term in uni economics.

(2) The rest of Wall street goes for 2 scores :bottom line, golf scorecards.

(3) It pays to be human. Anotther wiser will see through all the standard textbook salesperson's facade. Be human, be humble, be healthy, be happy. Work hard.

Total Body Transformation

This is a complete workout book .

(1) Exercise ( cardio )
(2) Nutrition
(3) Breathing
(4) Yoga
( 5) Meditation
(6) Strength Training.

Most health regime will focus on one or two of the area, but this book covers all aspects.

Wholesome, dude!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How to Start Day Trading

Product Details

I like the part where he gave an example on what could go wrong ina newbie :

(1) Lissten to rumours
(2) Adding to losers
(3) No trading plan
(4) Borrowing to trade
(5) No self discovery for risk profile.

I used to know that : English Language

Product Details

This is a short cut to Nouns, verbs, Adverbs, Pronouns, Adjectives, Conjunction, Grammar , Spelling.

Read it...if just only for information.

Cash in a Flash

This book is effective  for :.


(2) Positives


(4) INNER WINNER ( not whiner )


Property : buy 20% discount, sell at 10%. Repeat 3 times in 10 years and you have the money for a brand new house.

Habits of Highly Effective Parents

Parenting: Nurturing The Winner & Genius In Your Child

Part of the series for child, teenagers and parents, some of the formulas contained can also be found in his other books.

Some of them are :

(1) Ultimate Success Formula

      Beliefs  + Self Esteem




       Actions  ( and Emotions Control )


( Failure )              Success

The " failures" are actually feedback , on how not to do it. And only people with high self esteemed and belief in themselves can take failures as feedback. The unmotivated and low self esteemed will just give up ... BEC ( blame, excuses, complain )

We all have a choice to take the response that we want .

(3) ERO : events + response = outcome
    ( id we have no filtering response, then all events are outcomes. And we may feel that we are not in control of events and outcomes. Effective and goal oriented people change, make choices on the response to events so as to get the results that they want.

(4) Children have different needs : LAIRI ( love, acceptance, inportance, recognition, independence)
    Push the wrong buttons and the kids will response. Push the wrong buttons and the child will clamp up.

(5) REFRAMING : when life hands you a lemon, make a lemonade. This is where a strong self belief and strong self esteem will help cushion the ups and downs in life. A less strong person will just BEC ( blame, excuses, complain )

All the trainers runa a  same vein . eg T Harv Eker PTFAR ( Program, Thought, Feelings, Action , Results). Or Robert Allen's Cash in a Flash ( Recipe, Positives , Wow Now Inner Winner, Dream Team

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Long Tail


 Well, Pareto optimality has been turned upside down from 80/20 to 98/2!
98% comes from 2% of work!!!

Previous landscape  below the water is now emerging as the watermark line goes lower!

New business previously ignored because of cost factors is now being made available because the cost has been driven down low enough!

New niches is now new market!

Is your business model ready to capture this new market? Like Amazon, Netflix, Rhapsody?

Eg (1) Music ......ITunes...

(2) Books...


(4) Charity...



(6) Broadcasting...

Monday, September 15, 2014

I used to Know That : World History

This is an abridged version of the World History ... a bit of everything in a timeline.... short and sweet, and not too overpowering.

Good for  quick reference...

And the difference between :

Dark Ages : after the fall of Rome in 476 ( 500-1000 ), but the Chinese Tang Dynasty flourished ( circa 800)
Middle Ages : the Crusades ( 1000-1200)
Renaissance ( Re-birth ) : arts, Michelangelo ( 1200-1400)
Discovery : Columbus ( America 1492)
Reason and Republics : Magna Carta ( 1215)
Revolution : American ( 1776) , French (1789), Chinese Russian (1911) , Russian ( 1917)

10 Minute Primer QIGONG


This book gives an overall view of the Chinese concept of QI... a life force that is present in all living beings.

The main aim of QiGong is to direct the qi to nourish all the meridian points (72,000 0f them)... thus making the body , mind and soul a well tuned machine.

The are mant overlaps with some of the yoga's poses ; namely the Archer pose... and with other types of Qigong , eg the concluding exercise of raising the heels.

I suppose all Qigong works  ... and many of the techniques overlap because it is being taught by so many masters over the course of time.

Here is a summary of the BaDuanJin poses... ( looks like the ones found in Shaolin movies... inscribed on walls of caves,eh?) ...

BaDuanJin, as found in the book...

Here is one I found in an old book on Pelvic Exercises...