Monday, December 17, 2012

The Biggest Book Sale in the World...

.... see for yourself...

 It really is THE BIGGEST book sale in the world....

the left view...

                                .......centre view.......

                                                          ...right view ! ( phew!... 3 million books!)

Want to be Happy?

... here's a scientific way to do it...

The contents are similar to the ones spelled out in the book, Search Inside Yourself...

the Millionaire Messenger

Ever wonder much much a speaker earns?

The gurus and the experts?

What is it that they do that normal folks cannot do?

Is this the "expert industry"?

Well. at USD25,000 per talk... it is worth your while to find out how they do it...

... if you can also connect the dots!

Some summary on parts of his book:

Map  : 6 Pillars Writing, Speaking, Seminars, Coaching, Consulting, Online Marketing
          :  5 Steps  1. low priced  product ( $10-$200)
                           2. (low priced )  Subscription ( $97)
                           3. Mid Tier Product ( $200 - $999)
                           4 . High tiered Multi Day Seminar ( $1,000 per person )
                           5. High Priced Coaching Programme ($2,000 er person per month)

Mindset : (1) Self worth; Obligation
 ( Why)    (2) Learn, Create
                 (3) Small business is not small-mindedness!
                 (4) Student -> Teacher---> Servant
                 (5) Mastery ---> Keep digging!

Mandate :
 ( How)

You can also visit his website at

And he has just launched a book called "The Charge"...

In which he outlined the Human Drives ;

BASE LINE                                    FORWARD
(1) Control                                      (6) Change
(2) Competence                               (7) Challenge
(3) Congruence                                (8) Creative ( expression )
(4) Caring                                         (9) Contribution
(5) Connection                                 (10) Consciousness

Sometimes I wonder whether motivators are just great therausus users... or are they also good ideas "repackagers"... or are they just talking things that w e want to hear?

Just like Rich Dad series of books.... one general theme that get overplayed over and over again!

But these people get paid... and get paid very well for their speeches ( or repackaged speeches)....

So, do you want to be paid for repackaging things and add a little here and there?

Sucessful NLP

Can Excellence be Modeled?

If you follow exactly what Tiger Woods teaches you, can you be the next Tiger Woods?

Well, NLP seems to suggest that Excellence can be modelled.

NLP seeks to Inprove Communications, Change Behaviour and then Models Excellence so that we can more of what we want, and less of what we don't want.

So, what is the difference that makes the excellent different?