Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Long Tail


 Well, Pareto optimality has been turned upside down from 80/20 to 98/2!
98% comes from 2% of work!!!

Previous landscape  below the water is now emerging as the watermark line goes lower!

New business previously ignored because of cost factors is now being made available because the cost has been driven down low enough!

New niches is now new market!

Is your business model ready to capture this new market? Like Amazon, Netflix, Rhapsody?

Eg (1) Music ......ITunes...

(2) Books...


(4) Charity...



(6) Broadcasting...

Monday, September 15, 2014

I used to Know That : World History

This is an abridged version of the World History ... a bit of everything in a timeline.... short and sweet, and not too overpowering.

Good for  quick reference...

And the difference between :

Dark Ages : after the fall of Rome in 476 ( 500-1000 ), but the Chinese Tang Dynasty flourished ( circa 800)
Middle Ages : the Crusades ( 1000-1200)
Renaissance ( Re-birth ) : arts, Michelangelo ( 1200-1400)
Discovery : Columbus ( America 1492)
Reason and Republics : Magna Carta ( 1215)
Revolution : American ( 1776) , French (1789), Chinese Russian (1911) , Russian ( 1917)

10 Minute Primer QIGONG


This book gives an overall view of the Chinese concept of QI... a life force that is present in all living beings.

The main aim of QiGong is to direct the qi to nourish all the meridian points (72,000 0f them)... thus making the body , mind and soul a well tuned machine.

The are mant overlaps with some of the yoga's poses ; namely the Archer pose... and with other types of Qigong , eg the concluding exercise of raising the heels.

I suppose all Qigong works  ... and many of the techniques overlap because it is being taught by so many masters over the course of time.

Here is a summary of the BaDuanJin poses... ( looks like the ones found in Shaolin movies... inscribed on walls of caves,eh?) ...

BaDuanJin, as found in the book...

Here is one I found in an old book on Pelvic Exercises...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Better By Mistake

The American Way... Success, success...
The Eastern Way ... Failure ----> lesson---> Success

This is the fundamental difference between Eastern and western approaches...

Learn about :
(1) Above vs below water Mistakes
(2) Mistakes vs Error
(3) Intentional Mistakes
(4) Checklist : lesson from Doctors and Pilots



This book gives a history and the philosophy behing yoga.

What we normally hear of yoga is the :
(1) poses ( asana)
(2) breathing ( pranayama )

But there a a total of 8 aspects of yoga called the 8 limbs of yoga ...

(1) ( yama ) Dealing with the outside world : do not kill, steal , lie, ... moderation, non-covetness
(2) ( niyama ) Dealing with oneself : purity , awareness, contentment, self-discipline ,higher being
(3) ( asana) Poses
(4) ( pranayama ) Breathing
(5) Dealing with 5 senses . Shutting off, turning in. Stimuli-filter- response.
(6) Concentration : power of NOW. Live in the PRESENT.
(7) Meditation
(8) Actualisation

If you are not too religious , tend the poses and breathing techniques has a calming effect.
The concentration allows you to still your mind, and perhaps lower your stress level.
